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Ghost Horse

Emily Post


Don't forget my senior discount

Burma Shave Signs

Bob the Turtle

A Royals Fan in Fenway Park

A Royals Fan in Fenway Park

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Higginsville Technology Club.

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Life Magazine, 1968.

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Heather Chatlos, Mrs. Missouri America 2009.

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A cat named Henry.

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Anything Hannah Montana, even her bus, causes excitement.

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The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, featured in "The Shining" by
Stephen King, is one of my favorite summer travel destinations.

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Winston Churchill Memorial in Fulton, Missouri.

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Squaw Creek Refuge is haven for Missouri pelicans.

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Gus the Cus.

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The World Famous Donkey Herd of Cripple Creek, Colorado.

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The Cooper Barn, the biggest barn in Kansas.

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Dennis and Geri hugging the largest Burr Oak tree in Missouri
along the Katy Trail near Columbia, Mo.

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Red is one tough mountain dog!

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Autumn, another amazing mountain dog.

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On Halloween, dressing up in a hot pink, princess
style dress and handing out candy is a kick. For a
few short hours, I get to pretend that I am a fairy
godmother or perhaps good witch of the North,
or maybe a funky princess. I'd recommend it to
anyone. Escape for a bit; it is good for the soul.
For one delicious night, forget the diet and
have all the candy you want.

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Backyard black squirrel.

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My husband's bridge.

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The bridge plaque.

Here are my fish in the summer. No story... yet!

The same pond in the winter... what a striking change!

This picture turned out lovely, didn't it?! No story... yet!

Mrs. Missouri America 2010--Dr. Carrie Hruza, 38, of Ladue