St. Lydia Productions

Thank you for stopping by our web site!

We are a new enterprise, consisting of two Orthodox Christians interested in providing quality audio recordings of Orthodox materials, from the ancient Fathers to the newest offerings from various Orthodox presses.

This material will be digitally recorded and we are planning to make it available in CD-ROM and cassette tape format. We are also considering making the material available for download.

Currently, the only page with content is the page about St. Lydia the New Martyr, to whom we have dedicated our efforts. Please read about this fascinating lady and don't hesitate to email us with any info you may have about her. We are especially interested in any miracles that can be attributed to her intercessions.

We are working on a list of material that will be recorded and available for sale. Please stop back by and see what we've been up to. Thank you and God bless you!

Holy St. Lydia the New Martyr, together with Sts. Cyril and Alexis, please pray to God for us!